First blog for my android application
Here I will share with you all about how I build my android application from start to finish(publish).

I used a module called waterfall module as it show below:

Why I choose this method , because waterfall model used for small to scalable applications, as soon as I finish one step completely I don't have to go back, the only time I go back is when I am adding new levels and that has a very stander structure, currently my application has 24 equations, and now I am preparing for new sets of equations to add on.

A preview into to my application, as you read above I built an educational applications, that help student and teacher alike to learn/teach math. My applications has no ads on, I do not collect data or ask for permissions, it has a very simple learning curve
Questions are shows, then you thing about the answer.

FIRST step: requirement
Here I collected all the items and requirement that I needed it, electricity, estimated time that will take to finish everything, resources , hardware & software and the math equations.

SECOND step : design
I used a simple pencil and paper to draw a simple layout of how my application will look like overall, what functions will it have, requirement.
This step is to show the team and you the END GOAL, so you have a clear vision of where you are head it

THIRD step: implementation
In this step I start to code and build the applications using all the recourse that I got and build from the design level. I used android studio as main framework and JAVA programming language (I learn Java for 3 weeks so my code my not be that eloquent).

FOURTH step : verification 
When I finish all the coding I start to test it in multiple phone from different android versions, to make sure it runs smoothly in all (face some problems with that vase).

FIFTH step : maintenance
for this stage I wrote a document in each stage, the problems and the complexity that I faced with solutions and how I fixed it, I kept testing the application once and a while in different phone to make sure no crushes is happening.


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