Understanding Garbage Collector in Java Part#1

     before java language, developers used to allocate and DE-allocated memory, in order to free it, if developers didn’t do that operation it will cause a memory leak, that may cause the application to crash or get slow, When java came, it came with automatic memory management called (Garbage Collections), and it works behind the scenes in the background.
     The objects are allocated in Heap of java memory, when the GC can’t allocated a new coming Objects, you will get an Error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, which means that there is no enough Heap space memory.

What are Garbage Collector main Job?
  1. Identify & Reclaim abandoned Objects.
  2. Reducing Applications Pause Time.

How Garbage Collector works?

- Simplify explanations, the GC remove objects that are not used anymore, by categorize it in two shaped:
  1. Dead objects (unreachable Objects).
  2. live object : (reachable objects).


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